Wetlands vs. Quicksand: Do You Know The Difference?


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In your quest to better understand our environment and the global ecosystem, you may have learned about swamps, marshes, bogs, and other types of wetlands. But what about quicksand? What’s the difference between a wetland and quicksand?  We have the definitive answer.

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Wetlands vs. Quicksand

Are Wetlands and Quicksand The Same?

Wetlands are bodies of land that are flooded, with many plants and wildlife calling them home. On the other hand, Quicksand is a mixture of granular materials like sand, silt, and clay, with water.

The Difference Between Wetlands and Quicksand

When undisturbed, quicksand takes on a solid, gel-like form. But, any disturbance whatsoever – even a 1% change in stress – leads to a decrease in its viscosity (the measure of a fluid’s resistance to deformation, or simply “thickness”).

The Difference Between Wetlands and Quicksand

Wetlands are not mere patches of water that you see after a rainstorm. They’re distinguished from other landforms and water bodies because they have specific water levels (a water table that stands near or at the land surface) and their biodiversity.

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